Our Water
JDK recognizes water as a scarce and precious resource that needs to be preserved and looked after for future generations. We ensure that water is used wisely through a scientific approach to irrigation by using DFM probe technology in our vineyards. We protect our natural resources and dams by ensuring that alien vegetation is removed annually from our dams & ravines on Paarl Mountain, thus contributing to biodiversity management.
This entails the clearing of Black Wattle, Port Jackson, Pine, Hakea, and other alien trees that put a strain on natural water sources and the natural fynbos vegetation. This must be maintained annually, and additional employment is created as a result.

Preserving Our Water
JDK recognizes water as a scarce and precious resource that needs to be preserved and looked after for future generations. We ensure that water is used wisely through a scientific approach to irrigation by using DFM probe technology in our vineyards. We protect our natural resources and dams by ensuring that alien vegetation is removed annually from our dams & ravines on Paarl Mountain, thus contributing to biodiversity management.
This entails the clearing of Black Wattle, Port Jackson, Pine, Hakea, and other alien trees that put a strain on natural water sources and the natural fynbos vegetation. This must be maintained annually, and additional employment is created as a result.